Our lives have become so fast that we hardly find time for ourselves. The hectic everyday schedule can make us feel exhausted, fatigued or tiredness. If we don’t take it seriously and don’t take precautionary measures, physical and mental fatigue can result in some serious ailments. Countering fatigue For a healthy lifestyle that meets our expectations, we need to counter the
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What is the true definition of Healthy Living? It sounds silly that we need to define “healthy living”. Yet, most of us think that it means a disease-free life. However, “healthy living” has a more holistic concept associated with it. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. Interestingly enough,
Continue reading »Why it is Difficult for Teens to Wake Up Early in the Morning?
If there’s something like teen body clock, it sure isn’t in sync with normal days and nights. Getting up early in the morning isn’t exactly a teens’ thing, so is going to bed at night. Therefore, the sleep-wake patterns of most teenagers are disturbed and the result is that they are sleep deprived almost all the time. All this has
Continue reading »5 Unusual Ways to Quit Smoking
Ready to give up smoking? Quitting smoking is tough, but it can be done. Try one of these 5 game-changing strategies to stop smoking and start your path towards a healthier, smoke-free life. Firstly, understand WHY Understanding your problem is the first step to a smoke-free life. People turn to cigarettes for so many different reasons, whether it’s stress, dieting,
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The Effects of Stress on your Body
What is Stress?.. Stress is not a disease; it’s a natural response of your body to danger, such as when our body perceives that it is being attacked. However, when the stressful condition continues for an indefinite time period, it becomes an illness. Untreated stress often causes the blood pressure to rise and may also give way to more serious
Continue reading »Use of Mindfulness, Meaning and Few Tips for Beginners
Mindfulness is “the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.” This meditation technique has been around for centuries, however, its trend has caught us again recently. Mindfulness benefits by helping us live in the present, enjoy the moment –
Continue reading »Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
PTSD, a word most commonly heard in novels, biographies, stories and movies. What is PTSD and does everyone get it? Is it as easy as shown and read about? But what really is PTSD? POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER: PTSD a psychiatric disorder that may occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a “traumatic event”. You may feel no interest
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“Oh God, my son’s irritable behavior is getting on peak. I don’t how to deal with him”, a mother was worried. “Why do I feel so low every now and then, how will I complete my tasks?” an 18-year-old murmured. “My daughter is getting quiet and weak day by day, while everything seems perfect around her, what should I
Continue reading »5 Things to Tell Your Kids about Cyber-bullying
Our lives have become heavily dependent on internet and especially our children don’t have time to get out of it. The reason for it is that everything they want is just a few clicks away from them. But, this facility has a dark side to it as well which is known as cyber-bullying. Every day thousands of teens are falling
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