Negative Effects of Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity has been a growing issue all over the world and it has raised many eyebrows from concerned authorities and physicians. Obesity is a condition that is beyond ‘overweight’ and must not be taken casually as it can badly affect a child’s behavior, cognitive abilities, mental capabilities, interaction with kids of the same age, physical inactivity, depression, and anxiety.

Obesity in children has many negative effects, but the parents need to recognize that apart from physical limitations the child must also be going through some serious emotional effects. Below are the consequences of childhood obesity that are declared as extremely dangerous by physicians.

Low Self-Esteem

Low Self-Esteem

A study report published in JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association, “A child who is obese is at risk of overall lower self-worth when compared with an average child.” This low self-esteem is extremely dangerous as the child may indulge in unacceptable behaviors like taking drugs or inhalant abuse.



Another study suggests that obese children are more likely to be affected by depression. His/her special low-calorie diet and special exercises may cause the child to think as if the situation is never going to improve. Children who are facing high depression may also seek refuge attempting suicide.



Children who are obese also face taunting and bullying from fellow mates in school or neighbors. This can cause anxiety and leaves the child unable to participate in any extra-curricular activities in the school or at home.

The reason behind it is that he/she seems to be physically different from others students. Obesity can also lead to social stigmatization, poor academic performance and ultimately dropping out of school.

No physical activities

No physical activities

The obese child may not be physically active like other kids who are physically active. This means that the child’s weight is a hindrance in his/her way of living an active and a normal life. The child will either sit idle or do nothing which will result in more anxiety and depression.

Also, they will start taking interest in different gadgets, playing virtual games and participate in these kinds of activities which can have lethal effects on their health. These effects can be physical, psychological, emotional or spiritual. A reversal would require a team effort involving the child, the parents, teachers, a circle of close family and friends, and most importantly, the clinicians.

Childhood obesity adversely affects a child’s health. Consult a specialist doctor online to discuss about obesity issues in children.