“Oh God, my son’s irritable behavior is getting on peak. I don’t how to deal with him”, a mother was worried. “Why do I feel so low every now and then, how will I complete my tasks?” an 18-year-old murmured. “My daughter is getting quiet and weak day by day, while everything seems perfect around her, what should I
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5 Things to Tell Your Kids about Cyber-bullying
Our lives have become heavily dependent on internet and especially our children don’t have time to get out of it. The reason for it is that everything they want is just a few clicks away from them. But, this facility has a dark side to it as well which is known as cyber-bullying. Every day thousands of teens are falling
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عصرِ حاضر کےاستاد کو در پیش ذہنی دباؤکی وجوہات اور تجاویز
بلا شبہ استاد بچوں کے لئے ایک رول ماڈل کی مانند ہوتے ہیں۔ اسی لئے تو انہیں قوم کا معمار بھی کہا جاتا ہے۔ لیکن قوم کے سنہرےمستقبل کے اس پیامبر کو عصرِ حاضر میں کئی طرح کے چیلنجز کاسامنا ہے۔ ویسے بھی ہمارے معاشرے میں ایک استاد کو وہ مقام قطعا حاصل نہیں ہے جو ہمارے پُرکھوں کی میراث
Continue reading »5 Foods to Boost Brain Function
Keeping your brain healthy is easy when you fill your plate with a colorful variety of fresh wholesome foods. Enhance brain function and mental clarity with these five brain boosting antioxidant-rich superfoods. Blueberries Image source: naturalhealth365.com Berries pack a powerful nutritional punch! Blueberries, in particular, contain some of the highest antioxidant levels of any fruit. While the body produces
Continue reading »Top 5 tips to Manage Depression in Teenagers
Teen depression goes far beyond feeling sad or being down in the dumps. It is a serious and exhausting disorder that significantly impacts your normal life. Take action, if you consider yourself depressed, as it will not go away by itself. Sooner you talk to a mental health professional, is better. “Teen is the age to smile and enjoy rather
Continue reading »Anger Management – How to Control Anger?
Anger is an emotion and pretty much normal. We get angry as a reaction to something that is against our wishes. Anger is also a secondary response to feelings like sadness, loneliness, or being frightened. However, the consequences of anger are mostly not right and continuous anger can lead to impaired thinking, unexpected reactions, and other unwanted scenarios or uttering
Continue reading »Baby’s First Year of Development and Parent’s Role
The baby’s first year of development is considered being the most important one and during this period, the development of the child sets the basis for his/her life to come. Let’s discuss some of the signs of a healthy baby’s development and what the parents need to do to complement it. Signs of Healthy Development during the first year Your
Continue reading »5 Ways to Get Happier
The perfect ways to be happy are highly subjective since they vary from person to person. Some people find happiness in making others happy while others find their own way. However, there are a few things that work for almost everyone and can light your mood up. Follow these five simple rules to always stay satisfied – which is the
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