Use of Mindfulness, Meaning and Few Tips for Beginners

Mindfulness is “the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.” This meditation technique has been around for centuries, however, its trend has caught us again recently. Mindfulness benefits by helping us live in the present, enjoy the moment – focusing on what’s in front of us, our feelings and what we got to do. Still, there are misconceptions and doubts about it like how it functions, how it improves life and what it feels like etc.

Benefits of mindfulness

Benefits of mindfulness

According to meditation experts, mindfulness benefits us in a number of ways that include sharpening of concentration, enhancing of mood, limiting stress, the betterment of immune functionality and acting against obesity etc. All these benefits have compelled people from diverse walks of life to practice mindfulness. Following are some tips to make a start.

Mindfulness tips for beginners

Start simple

Mindfulness tips for beginnersAs a beginner, you should start with breathing meditations. Mindful breathing is the most common mindfulness exercise. Take a deep breath, try storing the air in your stomach, count slowly till five, and then release slowly. Focus only on breathing. Do it the way you like, whether you sit or take a few minutes to practice mindful breathing, what comforts you the most must be adopted.



A proper posture is a must and experts suggest that while practicing meditation, the neck and the back should be in straight line. Improper postures don’t let you breathe normally.

Setting a timer

Setting a timer

Set a stoppage timer, if you don’t do it you won’t know when to stop and eventually it will force you to pause and glance at the watch.

Start sitting for 5 minutes

Start sitting for 5 minutes

In the beginning, simply do it for 5 minutes and that’s enough for you. Don’t overburden yourself by sitting 10-20 minutes or more. Start easy and make your way up. Expand slowly from 5 to 8 then to 10 minutes.