Anger Management – How to Control Anger?

Anger is an emotion and pretty much normal. We get angry as a reaction to something that is against our wishes. Anger is also a secondary response to feelings like sadness, loneliness, or being frightened.

However, the consequences of anger are mostly not right and continuous anger can lead to impaired thinking, unexpected reactions, and other unwanted scenarios or uttering of unreasonable words etc.

So yes! Anger is natural but it needs to be controlled. There are certain ways of managing anger and they are explained below.

Before you speak, think

Before you speak, think

Don’t just go on with the flow in the heat of the moment. Rather think what you are about to say. You will definitely regret if you utter something aggressive or irresponsible so, it’s better to think before you speak.

Express your concerns, once you are calm

Express your concerns, once you are calm

Once you have calmed down, let out your frustration out in a non-confrontational way. Express all your concerns and reservations directly but without hurting other’s sentiments.

Walk off

Walk off

Sometimes it is better to simply walk off from the place of impact. This will allow you to organize yourself and find a way to an amicable solution rather than just indulging in something un-decisive.



Take timeouts during stressful periods of the day. It is a good idea to observe some moments of silence and to be with your inner self. Get yourself prepared with what’s coming next without giving too much stress to you.

Find solutions

Find solutions

Rather than sticking your mind on what has gone wrong, focus on the solutions. How do I resolve the situation? How can I make it better? What needs to be done from my side? Remember anger will not fix anything, looking for solutions will.

If you still find it difficult to control your anger, you may ask for help from a psychologist online through SehatYab Online Clinic. For more details or consultation, please visit or contact our helpline at 03001003171 / 03001003172