Top 5 tips to Manage Depression in Teenagers

Teen depression goes far beyond feeling sad or being down in the dumps. It is a serious and exhausting disorder that significantly impacts your normal life. Take action, if you consider yourself depressed, as it will not go away by itself. Sooner you talk to a mental health professional, is better.

“Teen is the age to smile and enjoy rather than being gloomy and depressed”

– Aaliya Irshad (Clinical Psychologist at Sehatyab)

While it is necessary to consult a professional, here are few tips to keep your depression at bay:

1. Express your emotions 

Half of your negative feelings depart when you discuss them with someone; this could be your friends, siblings or parents. It is the most important defense against your depression getting severe.

Express your emotions 
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2. Take part in physical activity

Any form of physical activity like jogging, swimming, sports or just walk is a stress buster. Ensure continuity by rotating physical activity to keep the interest going on.

Take part in physical activity
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3. Balanced Diet

Good nutrition will keep your mind and body healthy and strong to fight the onslaught of depression. Be mindful that depression has an adverse effect on your appetite. Make sure that you are eating regular meals and are getting proper nourishment.

Balanced Diet
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4. Find reasons for depression

Try to pinpoint the reasons that lead to depression. Once identified you will be in a better position to to defend.

Find reasons for depression
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5. Positive thinking

While it is difficult to think about good things during depression phase, make an effort to identify good things, achievements and activities which make you happy. Staying positive and throwing out negativity will develop habits which will take you a long way.Image source:

In Pakistani society mental health remains a taboo, so discussions and counselling becomes very difficult for teenagers. Even their parents don’t understand and get overly defensive. With SehatYab online clinic you can discuss issues and concerns with a psychologist online, from the privacy of your home.

Ms. Maryam Bibi

MSc (Psychology), PDCP (Clinical Psychology), Certified Hypnotherapist (NGH, USA)
Special Interest in Clinical and Counseling Psychology