What is dissociative identity disorder?
Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a rare mental health condition formerly known as multiple personality disorder or split personality disorder, which is characterized by two or more separate personalities. People with dissociative identity disorder have several distinct personalities known as alters. Altars control an individual’s behavior at different times, causing significant disruptions in daily life. Each personality has different behaviors, memories, and thoughts.
For example, in a popular Pakistani television drama “Ishq Zahe Naseeb,” the character Sameer, portrayed by Zahid Ahmed, grapples with dissociative identity disorder (DID) stemming from traumatic childhood experiences. Raised by his stepmother after being abandoned by his mother and losing his father, Sameer’s unresolved trauma manifests as an alternate female personality named Sameera. This portrayal sheds light on the complexities of DID, emphasizing how early-life trauma can lead to the development of distinct identities within a single individual. The series has been lauded for its sensitive and nuanced depiction of mental health issues, particularly through Ahmed’s compelling performance.
Dissociative identity disorder causes numerous challenges in people’s daily lives, such as memory gaps, identity confusion, and frequent switching between alters.
Symptoms of Dissociative Identity Disorder
DID presidents have a wide range of symptoms. These include:
Memory Gaps (Amnesia):
One of the signature manifestations of DID is amnesia or memory gaps. Memory loss or amnesia regarding daily activities, personal information, and important life events is common. People with dissociative identity disorder may lose time, find themselves away from home, or in some situations, not remember how they got there. These memory gaps arise as one alter may take control for some time while the other alters have no access to memories created in that period. Such dissociative amnesia can create hurdles in relationships, at work, and in matters of personal safety.
For example, one may start up a conversation with a friend but later find out that it had already taken place earlier in the day—an event for which he or she has no memory. They can be haunting and interfere with daily functioning.
Switching: The Act of Changing One Identity into Another
Switching is the other term for the intervening transition from one alter into another. It may happen instantaneously or be triggered into play by stress, reminders of prior trauma, or powerful emotional expression. Each alter may have distinct ways of behaving, preferences, or even skills and accents, which are different regarding age, gender, or medical conditions.
Switching often brings with it sheer exhaustion and unpredictability. This can also create confusion within relationships, as loved ones may struggle to come to terms with suddenly changing personalities. Work and school may also suffer when different alters bring different levels of knowledge or skills to the situation.
Identity Confusion: The Constant Battle of Trying to Establish the Self
Identity confusion is another measure of dissociative identity disorder, which is likely to disrupt the formation of a stable sense of self in the afflicted individuals. The person with dissociative identity disorder feels disconnected and unfamiliar with his thoughts. People sometimes hardly recognize their feelings, thoughts, or even their physical appearance. Such confusion can worsen with competing memory reconstructions, views, or beliefs by different alters.
For instance, one alter may fit comfortably into social interactions while another may have extreme introversion. Non-stop battling between these identities creates painful stress and emotional exhaustion.
Personality states:
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) comprises at least two distinct personality states or alters, each with its pattern of thinking, behaving, and interacting with the outside world. These different personality states have their different names, ages, genders, varied abilities, or preferences. Some personalities may even be dominant in some situations, whereas others can emerge under increased stress or trauma. Switching can occur rather quickly and lead to disorientation, confusion, and amnesia.
People with DID have intense emotional instability and mood swings.
Sleep disturbances:
Insomnia, nightmares, and sleep paralysis are common due to traumatic memories.
Difficulties in making stable relationships due to unpredictable behavior.
Other mental health symptoms include anxiety, depression, fear, sadness, and suicidal thoughts.
Causes of Dissociative Identity Disorder
The following are the causes of dissociative identity disorder.
Prolonged childhood trauma: Such as physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. To deal with unbearable pain caused by trauma, the mind develops multiple identities as coping mechanisms. DID is a way to detach oneself from trauma, but with time it leads to significant disruption in daily life.
- Neglect or abandonment
- Extreme stress during early developmental years
- Growing up in an environment without a lack of social support.
Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
Treatment of dissociative identity disorder includes a combination of therapy and medications.
- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): it helps to understand and manage thought patterns that lead to dissociation.
- Dialectal behavioral therapy (DBT): it helps to manage intense emotions, improve interpersonal relationships, and develop coping strategies.
- Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EDMR): it is a therapeutic approach developed to help individuals heal from traumatic memories.
There is no specific medication recommended for DID, but medications are used to manage depression and anxiety. However; medications should always be used with the consultation of mental health professionals.
How will SehatYab be helpful?
SehatYab is an online platform consisting of mental health professionals. SehatYab has made mental health support easy and more accessible. Through SehatYab, individuals with dissociative identity disorder have access to qualified psychiatrists and therapists. Moreover, it provides confidentiality and a judgment-free environment. It also provides flexible scheduling, such as appointments can be scheduled at convenient times without any geographical boundary.