SehatYab – Corporate Health & Wellness

Health coverage is a benefit which helps improve employee motivation and retention which contributes directly to employee productivity and improves corporate’ bottom line. However, in Pakistan, the health plans mostly focus on “disease management” rather than focusing on “disease prevention”. Most institutions provide coverage for emergency treatment and hospitalization, leaving clear coverage gaps i.e., clinical Consultation (Out-patient) as well as

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90% Treatment Gap of Mental Health in Pakistan

More than 220 million people live in Pakistan. About 500 of those people, however, are psychiatrists. The numbers are even more striking when considering Pakistan’s rural areas, where there is only about one psychiatrist for every one million people. Stigma and other societal constraints also contribute toward Pakistanis not getting the mental health care they need, resulting in an almost

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.اچھی ازدواجی زندگی گزارنے کے چند اصول

  شادی کے وقت آپ کو صرف ایک ہی خوشی محسوس ہو رہی ہوتی ہے۔ کیونکہ آپ جانتے ہیں کہ یہ نئی زندگی ہوگی، رنگین واقعات، خوبصورت لباسں اور آپ مسٹر یا مسز بن جائیں گے۔ ہر کوئی آپ کو ہر طرح کے مشورے دیتا ہے۔ وینیو بک کرنا، میک اپ آرٹسٹ سے بات کرنا، یہ سب اتنا خوش کر

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Depression vs. Sadness

Depression vs. Sadness

Aiman and Hassan are two different persons, both of them didn’t receive an invitation to a gathering from their friends. Aiman got upset for not being given importance but to get over it, she cooked spaghetti for herself, did some skin care, read a book, and made up her day. On the contrary, Hassan sat on a couch and started

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What Triggers Anxiety?

What Triggers Anxiety?

In demanding situations such as an exam, interview, or speech, we rely on our brains functioning, imagine what it would be like when the brain starts messing up right at the moment. Yes, your brain can get anxious due to the immense amount of stress you’d take which can disturb your ongoing activity. However, in certain conditions, stress is not

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Depression-Signs and Symptoms

Depression-Signs and Symptoms

When I wanted myself to be heard, I felt the most unheard! Depression is a illness that negatively impacts the way we live, socialize, and perform our daily functions. It involves a constant sad mood that does not get better with doing things that we once loved. What is the main reason for depression? The causes of depression have been

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Why Is It So Hard to Exercise?

Everywhere we turn, there are headlines encouraging us to get moving: Exercises shown to ward off Alzheimer’s; Moderate exercise proven to protect the brain from silent strokes; You need 150 minutes a week of exercise to help avoid cardiovascular diseases; Just 15 minutes of physical activity a day could add three years to your life while decreasing your risk of

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People Pleasers – Inability to say “No”

While ‘No’, is a two letter word, some of us feel uncomfortable rather guilty to say it. This reluctance becomes concerning when some of us avoid saying “No” and become a ‘Yes Man or Woman’. It is perceived that saying ‘Yes’ will be acknowledged by all and they will be endorsed in good books. Although such People-Pleasers have a history of

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