What is Narcissism?
Narcissism is a psychological trait characterized by excessive self-love, self-admiration, feelings of superiority, and a lack of empathy for others. People with narcissism appear too full of themselves, they always talk about themselves, their career, and their personalities, and they never doubt themselves. Narcissistic people have unhealthy self-esteem as they are always hungry for admiration and appreciation. Moreover, they always wanted to be the centre of attention and expect special treatment from others. However; it is a psychological trait and not every narcissistic person has a narcissistic personality disorder. Some degrees of narcissism are normal while extreme narcissism is a mental health condition called narcissistic personality disorder and it requires professional treatment.
Meaning of Narcissism in Urdu
اردو میں اس کو نرگسیت کہتے ہیں جس کے معنی ‘خود پسندی’ یا ‘خود پرستی’ کے ہیں۔ جو لوگ اس کا شکار ہوتے ہیں وہ لوگ اپنے آپ کو غیر معمولی طور پر دوسروں سے برتر سمجھتے ہیں۔ ان کی باتوں کا مرکز ہمیشہ انکی اپنی ذات ہوتی ہے۔ ایسے لوگ بے حد تعریف اور توجہ کے خواہاں ہوتے ہیں۔ دوسروں کو اہمیت نہیں دیتے اور انکو نظر انداز کرتے ہیں۔ اگر یہ رویہ شدت اختیار کرلے تو اسے نارسیسٹک پرسنالٹی ڈس آرڈر کہتے ہیں جو کہ ایک نفسیاتی بیماری ہے۔
Narcissism vs Self-Confidence
Narcissism and self-confidence seem similar, but they are different.
Self-confidence is a belief in one’s abilities, and it is healthy in nature. In contrast, narcissism is an exaggerated sense of superiority that ignores others, and it is unhealthy in nature.
How to identify the difference?
Criticism: a self-confident person accepts constructive criticism, while a narcissist denies the fault, and becomes angry and defensive.
- Their attitudes towards others’ success: a self-confident person does not feel jealous of others’ success, and appreciates them, while a narcissist feels jealous and tries to bring down others’ achievements.
- Need for attention: a self-confident person does not need constant approval, while a narcissist demands admiration and seeks external validation.
- Empathy: a self-confident person cares about others’ emotions and respects them while a narcissist is manipulative and does not care about other feelings.
Types of Narcissism
Narcissism manifests in the following ways:
Overt Narcissism
It is also known as grandiose narcissism or agentic narcissism. It is the most recognizable form of narcissism. It is characterized by arrogance, superiority, and a strong sense of entitlement. Additionally, people with overt narcissism seek attention, admiration, and validation from others. They are extroverted, confident, and charismatic, but they lack empathy.
For example, a teacher or a boss who constantly boasts about his achievements and disparages others.
Covert Narcissism
Covert narcissism is also called vulnerable narcissism. It is the opposite of overt narcissism. It is the most introverted and subtle form of narcissism. People with covert narcissism seem sensitive and shy, but they have an extreme sense of superiority. Moreover, they are passive aggressors, do victimization often, and are envious of others. They do not seek open admiration instead they manipulate others to gain sympathy, and have low self-esteem.
For instance, an employee who downplays his abilities, saying things like, I am not intelligent or smart, but secretly feels superior to others.
Antagonistic Narcissism
People with antagonistic narcissism are characterized by competitiveness, aggression, and a desire to dominate others. Their focus is on rivalry and competition. They are confrontational and manipulative, they are low on morals and have little concern about fairness, and they take advantage of others.
For example; a person with antagonistic narcissism always tries to outshine others in discussions, belittling others to feel superior.
Malignant Narcissism
It is the most extreme and harmful form of narcissism, and it is likely to link with sociopathic traits. People with malignant narcissism may engage in deceit or criminal behavior, moreover; malignant narcissism is linked to antisocial personality disorder.
For example, someone spreads false rumors to ruin others’ reputation and respect to eliminate their competition.
Communal Narcissism
It is the opposite of antagonistic narcissism and it is characterized by an exaggerated sense of morality, fairness, altruism, or selflessness. People with communal narcissism feel that they are very kind, empathetic, and spiritual. They seek admiration for their goodness not for their power and looks. A study published in 2018 illustrates that there is a gap between their thoughts and behaviors.
For example, people with communal narcissism remind others of the work they have done for them and expect recognition and praise.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
Narcissistic personality disorder is a rare mental health condition and it is more common in males than females. When narcissistic traits become so extreme that they impair the daily functioning of a person’s life then it will turn into a narcissistic personality disorder. It damages relationships due to a lack of empathy. People with NPD naturally view everyone as inferior to them, seek attention, and they are antagonistic. Moreover, they cannot understand the feelings of others. Additionally; they seem extremely confident but in reality, they have low self-esteem and get upset by minor criticism.
Symptoms of Narcissism and NPD
Some common signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder include:
- Sense of entitlement: people with narcissism believe that they are superior to others and they deserve special treatment than others. People with narcissism lack empathy for others
- Need for admiration: it is the most common sign of a narcissistic person that he needs consistent praise and admiration.
- Manipulative behavior: A narcissistic person first tries to please someone and impress them and then exploits them for their good. They have difficulty handling criticism.
- Arrogant behavior: people with narcissism feel superior to others so they become rude and arrogant when they think they’re not getting the treatment they deserve.
Can Narcissism be Cured?
There is no proper treatment available for narcissistic personality disorder because narcissism is a deeply ingrained personality trait however treatment can help people manage their behavior and improve their relationships. But there is no lifelong cure exists for narcissism.
How to Cure Narcissism?
Treatment of narcissism requires a combination of therapies like self-awareness and professional therapies. Some of the professional approaches are given below:
Psychotherapy (Cognitive behavioral therapy- CBT)
CBT helps individuals to change their unproductive and distorted thought patterns and helps them to understand their behaviors. It also helps people to develop healthier thinking patterns. This psychotherapy also helps people to understand the causes of their emotions and what drives them to compete.
Mindfulness and emotional regulation
Techniques like meditation and self-reflection are used in this process. It helps a narcissistic person to understand their own emotions and to reduce impulsive behavior and arrogance.
There is no medication required for narcissistic personality disorder, however; medications are used if the client has other conditions like depression, but with the consultation of a mental health professional.
How SehatYab will be helpful?
SehatYab provides online therapy sessions with certified psychologists who specialize in personality disorders. It also helps narcissistic individuals to recognize and modify their harmful thought patterns. Moreover, therapists on SehatYab can create personalized treatment plans tailored to individual’s needs. Additionally; SehatYab offers private and confidential online therapy making it easier for individuals to open up, and this platform is accessible from anywhere in Pakistan.