Narcissistic personality disorder refers to a mental illness in which the individual tends to have an exaggerated level of self-importance, lacks compassion for others and is always looking for admiration for himself. However, NPD is a complex psychological disorder that affects both the individual and those around them. It is a mental condition that can ruin the relationships of the individual suffering from it. At the same time, it can cause drastic stress and depression. This condition refers to deeply ingrained personality behavior patterns impacting his life and those around him. Nonetheless, treating this condition with proper care and therapy is possible. Pinpointing the problem early and opting for solutions can significantly safeguard the sufferer from damaging his life. This is why it is necessary to identify the warning signs of someone dealing with this problem.
10 Warning Signs Of NPD
1. Extended notion of Self-Importance
Those struggling with NPD have a massive ego to boast about and are under the false notion of being far superior to everyone around them. They expect special treatment and feel entitled to privileges that others do not receive. Upon not receiving such treatment, they end up damaging their relationships with others.
Whenever someone boasts of his achievements and talent while perceiving himself as far ahead of others, he might demonstrate the warning signs of NPD.
2. Lack of Empathy
One of the most significant warning signs of someone facing a narcissistic personality is not showing any empathy for others. Though this could be an individual’s nature as well for those with this syndrome, the lack of empathy is profound. They cannot understand their fellows’ emotions, no matter how close they could be to them. Also, whenever someone is expressing themselves, individuals with NPD fail to show a compassionate response to them. They tend to be indifferent towards others’ emotions, feelings and sentiments. An individual’s cold, never-ending response is a warning sign of NPD.
3. Always looking for Admiration
Narcissists are always in search of praise. Even for the minutest thing that they do, they expect to be flooded with praise and admiration. Not receiving such admiration can lead to ruining their mood. They are always on the lookout for external validation. When someone they know admires them, it boosts their ego.
4. Sense of Entitlement
Narcissists have a profound sense of entitlement in them. They are constantly under the idea of being capable enough to deserve a special treatment wherever they go and whatever they do. This sense of entitlement impacts not only their relationships but also their work relations. When they don’t get the preferential treatment they expect, they are bound to be frustrated and annoyed.
Often, the individuals have not earned anything exemplary and are still under the notion of being supremely important. Mostly, they take advantage of their relationships without giving anything back. And when they are asked to reciprocate, they end up being angry and annoyed. It leads to strained relationships and workplace problems, including conflicts with peers and bosses.
5. Manipulative Behavior
People living with NPD showcase manipulative behaviors. Sometimes, they are highly evident in their manipulation, while other times, their intentions are hidden! Some major ways through which they manipulate their loved ones are by guilt-tripping them constantly, gas-lighting them often and playing as a victim in most situations. Alongside this, they also tend to give silent treatment to their loved ones and make them feel anxious.
NPD sufferers also avoid taking blame for their actions and shift their responsibility to others.
6. Deep Insecurity
NPD sufferers are incredibly insecure. They are often annoyed and jealous of other people’s success. On the contrary, they are also under the notion that others are jealous of them. Hence, there is also a sense of contradiction in their thought process. The second behavior stems from their idea of being better than others.
When they are jealous of others, their insecurity leads them to evil plans and plots to sabotage them. Out of this insecurity, they tend to downplay others’ successes and try to make others feel insignificant.
7. Showcasing Superiority Complex
To keep up with their fragile ego and self-esteem, people suffering from narcissistic personality disorder often behave in a way that gives an aura of superiority to them. They dismiss the opinions and feelings of their loved ones to showcase a sense of superiority over them.
8. Avoid Criticism
Criticism is hard to take for the narcissists and tends to trigger them. They showcase extreme reactions to even the slightest possible criticism. Even if someone offers them constructive criticism and has all the positive sentiments behind it, the NPD sufferer would either lash out or showcase a defensive reaction.
9. Trouble In Keeping Relations
It’s not possible for an NPD sufferer to form a long-lasting relationship with anyone. These relationships are fragile and tend to end on volatile terms. As there is a lack of mutual love and care, it becomes impossible for the partner of an NPD sufferer to continue in such a toxic relationship.
Being close to such a person leads to an emotional rollercoaster. Such relations are meant to have their own extreme ups and downs. The constant urge to gaslight their loved ones makes others question their own intentions,often leading to break-ups. Alongside this, people around NPD sufferers often feel unheard and unseen as their feelings are, most of the times, invalidadtes.
10. Lack of Accountability
NPD individuals don’t take responsibility for their behaviors. Even if they are wrong, their entitlement doesn’t let them accept it. They are so self-absorbed that it’s nearly impossible for them to find faults in themselves.
This behavior causes a lot of problems especially in the workplace. A narcissistic boss will never take the blame of a failur, but would rather shift it to others. However, whenever there is a success, he would be the first one to reap its fruits. It is very easy for them to twist the situations and make things go in their favor while avoiding accountability.
Final Thoughts
Narcissistic personality traits are specific in nature. However, it’s also true that all human beings showcase such behaviors once in a while. Nonetheless, it is the consistent pattern of these behaviors that categorises one as a narcissistic. Whenever you find someone showcasing consistency in these behaviors, its necessary to look for a reliable psychiatrists for help. SehatYab, an online consultation company has brought together some of the best psychiatrists and psychologists from across the country that provide professional help to those suffering from narcissitic personality disorder.