What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is a persistent and excessive feeling of worry, nervousness, and fear about everyday situations. Moreover, it is a natural body response in case of stressors.
What is Anxiety in Urdu?
اینگزائٹی اردو میں اضطراب کو کہتے ہیں۔ یہ ایک نفسیاتی کیفیت ہے جو انسان کے نا خوشگوار احساسات کو بیان کرتی ہے۔ یہ اضطراب پریشانی، تنگی، ڈر، اور گھبراہٹ کی شکل میں ظاہر ہوتا ہے۔ یاینگزائٹی ایک ایسی کیفیت ہے جس کا سامنا ہر ایک انسان کو مختلف وجوہات کی وجہ سے کرنا پڑ سکتا ہے۔ یہ جسمانی ردعمل ہے جو کسی بھی پریشان کن صورتحال میں ظاہر ہوتا ہے۔ اگر یہ اضطراب مسلسل رہے تو اسکا علاج ضروری ہے۔
What is the Difference between Anxiety and Stress?
Anxiety and stress are both emotional responses and are sometimes considered as the same, but there is a difference between them. Stress is caused by external triggers, such as work deadlines, fights, financial issues, and discrimination. However, anxiety is an internal response that continues without external stressors.
What are the Symptoms of Anxiety?
Following are some common symptoms of anxiety
- Excessive worry and fear
- Feeling nervousness, restlessness, or irritability
- Rapid heartbeat and rapid breathing
- Trembling hands
- Racing thoughts
- Trouble sleeping
- Difficulty in concentrating
What are the Main Causes of Anxiety?
Anxiety is caused by multiple factors.
- Certain medical conditions; such as heart diseases, diabetes, and misuse of drugs.
- Genetics or family history: Individuals with a family history of anxiety have more chances to develop it in life. Because anxiety is a disorder that runs in families.
- Traumatic life experiences, for example, childhood abuse, neglect, seeing violence, etc.
- Other mental health conditions like depression and stress also cause anxiety.
- It can also be caused by an imbalance in brain chemicals
How to Treat Anxiety in Pakistan?
Following are the methods used for the treatment of anxiety in Pakistan
Firstly, psychotherapy, specifically CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) is used to manage anxious thoughts along with developing healthier coping skills.
Secondly, medications prescribed by psychiatrists are used.
Thirdly, lifestyle changes to regain control over mental health.
Finally, online counseling services like SehatYab.
What is the 333 rule for Anxiety?
It is one of the common and effective strategies to cope with anxiety. You can use this technique at the moment something triggers you. It requires you to identify three things you can see, three sounds you can hear, and three body parts for movement. It helps to regain control and calm your mind. In short, it is a way of distracting yourself from anxiety and shifting your focus to your senses. Furthermore, it helps you to concentrate on the present moment.
What is the 4-7-8 method for Anxiety?
The 4-7-8 method for anxiety is the breathing exercise which includes,
- Breathe in for four seconds
- Holding your breath for seven seconds
- Exhaling slowly for eight seconds
Repeat this technique 3-4 times. It produces relaxation and reduces anxiety.
How to use 12 steps for Anxiety.?
This method is one of the most effective methods to cope with anxiety. The 12-step program is a set of principles, often used for addiction recovery, however, it can also be used for anxiety.
The 12 steps are divided into 3 sections
- Steps 1-3: develop a focus on self-awareness and personal responsibility
- Steps 4-7: build acceptance and honesty
- Steps 8-12: focus on mindfulness
These steps give an individual an understanding of anxiety. Through these steps individual gets insight into his own behavior. Moreover, it also helps to develop healthier coping skills to tackle anxiety. It provides balance in an individual’s life through spiritual principles such as trust, acceptance, and service.
Do We Treat Anxiety at Home?
Yes, anxiety can be treated at home through certain home remedies,
- Exercises: staying personally active is not only good for physical health but also for mental health. Exercises produce endorphins. Endorphins are the hormones produced as the result of pain and stressors and provide relief to pain and improve mood.
- Meditation: it involves mindfulness. Individual distracts himself from anxiety triggers and diverts his attention to calm, productive, and adaptive thoughts.
- Quit cigarettes and alcohol.
- Maintain a regular sleep. It helps to reduce your nighttime anxiety and improves your sleep quality.
- Structuring your daily routine: it brings discipline, balance, stability, and feelings of control in life, hence, it reduces anxiety.
Do We Need Medication for Anxiety?
It is not necessary for anyone to take medications for anxiety. However; if someone has a severe anxiety disorder, he can use it with the advice of a psychiatrist. Consulting a mental health professional is imperative for the treatment of anxiety.
What are the Best Foods for Anxiety?
There is a saying, “Food is a medicine.” Trudy Scott’s book The Anti-Anxiety Food Solution explains how certain foods help manage anxiety. Researchers have proven that a good meal is necessary for mental health and well-being and helps reduce the risk of anxiety.
Following are some natural anxiety-reducing meals.
- Fruits like blueberries and oranges. Blueberries are antioxidants that help to reduce brain inflammation and stress. Moreover, oranges are vitamin C-rich fruits that reduce anxiety by producing serotonin.
- Fatty fish rich in omega–3s fatty acids. Omaega-3s support brain health and improve neurotransmitter function.
- Eggs, as they have high protein with vitamin B12 and vitamin B7
- Nuts and seeds, for instance, almonds, walnuts, and flaxseeds are rich in magnesium. They relax the nervous system and reduce anxiety.
- Dark chocolate. It helps people feel good because it is related to the release of endorphins.
- Green tea is also necessary, as it contains L-theanine amino acid which produces relaxation.
How SehatYab will be helpful for Anxiety Patients in Pakistan?
SehatYab is an online psychologists and psychiatrists platform. It offers easy access to licensed therapists and online counseling. Moreover, it provides an affordable mental health support. Its services make it feasible for individuals to seek help without stigma.