Narcissism in Urdu

Narcissism vs. Self-Confidence: How to Identify the Difference?

What is Narcissism? Narcissism is a psychological trait characterized by excessive self-love, self-admiration, feelings of superiority, and a lack of empathy for others. People with narcissism appear too full of themselves, they always talk about themselves, their career, and their personalities, and they never doubt themselves. Narcissistic people have unhealthy self-esteem as they are always hungry for admiration and appreciation. Continue reading »
child behavioural issues

بچوں میں رویے کی خرابی کا تعلق ذہنی دباؤ اور خاندانی مسائل سے کیسے ہے؟

تمام بچے ہی کبھی نہ کبھی ضد، چڑچڑے پن کو ظاہر کرتے ہیں ۔ بعض اوقات اس روئيے کا سبب بچوں کی طبیعت کی خرابی بھی ہو سکتی ہے ۔ اور بعض اوقات اس کی وجہ بچوں پر ہونے والا کوئی نہ کوئی ذہنی دباؤ ہوتا ہے جیسے کہ چھوٹے بچے کی پیدائش کے بعد بچے کو نظر انداز ہونے Continue reading »
employee mental health

Investing in Employee Mental Health: A Key to Business Success

Mental health issues are among the most significant concerns affecting employee performance. The American Psychological Association conducted a survey in 2023 regarding the priority of this problem for employers. It came with some shocking results. The stats claimed that merely 43% of employees working in a workplace get mental health insurance. Nevertheless, they get insurance for health issues coverage, which Continue reading »
mental health issues for women

Mental Health Problems of Women at the Workplaces in Pakistan

Pakistan is a land of culture with values, where social attitudes and cultural practices form an integral part of women's mental health issues, specifically at work. The changes occur gradually with the modernization of society, and then it sets the ground for mental health issues within the organizational umbrella. All employees face work stress and burnout, but unfortunately, the effects Continue reading »
Dissociative Identity Disorder

Daily Challenges of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID): Memory Gaps, Switching, and Identity Confusion

What is dissociative identity disorder? Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a rare mental health condition formerly known as multiple personality disorder or split personality disorder, which is characterized by two or more separate personalities. People with dissociative identity disorder have several distinct personalities known as alters. Altars control an individual’s behavior at different times, causing significant disruptions in daily life. Continue reading »
Narcissistic Personality Disorder

10 Warning Signs that Someone might have Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

Narcissistic personality disorder refers to a mental illness in which the individual tends to have an exaggerated level of self-importance, lacks compassion for others and is always looking for admiration for himself. However, NPD is a complex psychological disorder that affects both the individual and those around them. It is a mental condition that can ruin the relationships of the Continue reading »
Anorexia in urdu

پاکستان میں کھانے کی بیماریوں(ایٹنگ ڈس آرڈر) کا بڑھتا ہوا مسئلہ: انوریکسیا کو سمجھنا

پاکستان میں کھانے کی بیماریوں کے مسائل   آج کل کے دور میں جب کہ زندگی ٹیکنالوجی کی وجہ سے انتہائی تیز رفتاری کا شکار ہے اس کا براہ راست اثر انسان کی ذہنی صحت پر پڑرہا ہے اور جس کی وجہ سے نئی نسل میں کھانے پینے کی عادات میں بے اعتدالی پیدا ہو رہی ہے ۔ کھانے پینے Continue reading »
Anorexia Nervosa in urdu

اینوریکسیا نروسا (Anorexia Nervosa)جب وزن کم کرنے کی ضد خطرناک بن جائے

اینوریکسیا  نروسا کی تعریف   اینوریکسیا نروسا جس کو عام زبان میں صرف اینوریکسیا بھی کہا جاتا ہے ۔ اس سے مراد کھانے پینے کی عادات کی بے اعتدالی ہے جس کی وجہ سے متاثرہ فرد خود پر کھانے پینے پر اس حد تک پابندی لگا لیتا ہے کہ اس کی وجہ سے متاثرہ فرد کا وزن بہت کم ہو جاتا Continue reading »