People Pleasers – Inability to say “No”

While ‘No’, is a two letter word, some of us feel uncomfortable rather guilty to say it. This reluctance becomes concerning when some of us avoid saying “No” and become a ‘Yes Man or Woman’. It is perceived that saying ‘Yes’ will be acknowledged by all and they will be endorsed in good books. Although such People-Pleasers have a history of

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نوجوانوں میں ڈپریشن سے بچاؤ کے لئے پانچ اقدام

نوجوانوں میں ڈپریشن محض ملال یا رنج و غم کا نام نہیں، یہ ایک ایسی بیماری ہے جو نمایاں طور پر انسان کی زندگی پر اثر انداز ہوسکتی ہے۔ اگر آپ اپنے اندر یا اپنے کسی قریبی عزیز کے اندر ڈپریشن یا افسردگی کی علامت محسوس کریں تو فوراً ایکشن لیں۔ یہ خود سے ختم ہونے والی شے نہیں۔ جتنی

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5 Ways to Find Peace of Mind

With our busy routines, competitive environment and social lives, it is essential to find the time to reflect on our state of mind and inner happiness. Here are a few tips that can help you find peace of mind: Self-Reflection: Image source: Reflect on the previous year to assess triggers that were a source of happiness or unhappiness in

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Neglected Primary Care Leads to Overburdened Specialized Hospitals

Despite the technological and organizational advances of 21st century health-care systems, care scandals and burgeoning complaints from patients have raised concerns about patient neglect in hospitals. Patient neglect is an issue of increasing public concern from around the globe, yet remains poorly understood. Medical negligence is an act or omission by a doctor in which the care provided was deviated

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5 Worst Foods for Your Skin

Image source:   The old saying “you are what you eat” holds true for your health. And, it turns out to be true for your skin as well. Fill up on junk like refined carbs, sugar, and trans-fats, and well, your skin is going to look like it. Poor nutrition is just as bad for your skin as cigarette

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