5 Worst Foods for Your Skin

5 Worst Foods for Your Skin
Image source: pexels.com


The old saying “you are what you eat” holds true for your health. And, it turns out to be true for your skin as well. Fill up on junk like refined carbs, sugar, and trans-fats, and well, your skin is going to look like it. Poor nutrition is just as bad for your skin as cigarette smoking. A poor diet can cause inflammation, which triggers oxidative stress and in turn damages collagen and DNA, making you look older. Here are the top 5 food offenders to keep off of your plate:

1. Fried Foods and Hydrogenated Fats

Fried Foods and Hydrogenated Fats
Image source: freepik.com


When the oil is at a very high heat, the oils and fats oxidize, we are then putting oxidized fats into our bodies. And we all know that oxidants are bad and antioxidants are good. Oil that sits and is used over and over again, like the one in which your French fries are cooked in, is really bad because these fats are thicker and don’t detox from the body. They can contribute to heart diseases, poor circulation of the blood and a weakened metabolic process. Since healthy skin requires healthy circulation and metabolism, weak systems can lead to a lack of oxygen in the skin, slowing the collagen and elastin synthesis necessary for youthful radiance.

2. Excess Sugar

Excess Sugar
Image source: freepik.com


It’s been proven that too much sugar and foods with high glycemic index will negatively impact the skin such as causing one of the most common skin condition, acne. Pay extra attention to food labels—you may be surprised by how much sugar is in certain products. You can find out a food’s glycemic index, anything under 55 is considered low.

3. Excess Caffeine

Excess Caffeine
Image source: freepik.com
Studies have shown that 2-3 cups of caffeinated beverages stimulate pituitary-adrenocortical response, which leads to increased cortisol levels in our bodies. Excess cortisol (also known as the stress hormone) has been proven to accelerate the aging process and damage our skin, including thinning the skin. The thinner your skin, the more prone it is to fine lines, wrinkles, dehydration and a lackluster appearance. Coffee is also a diuretic and can dehydrate the body. The better hydrated the body, the healthier the skin appears.

4. Dairy

Image source: freepik.com
The same goes for dairy. Many dairy cows are fed hormones to keep them lactating year round, which doubles their milk production. When we drink that milk (or eat their yogurt, ice cream, cheese, etc.) we get a dose of those hormones too. Dairy consumption has been linked to acne and excess estrogen, often found in dairy products, can cause a cascade of health issues in both men and women. Finally, dairy is known to be mucus-forming in our bodies, which contributes to inflammation and the ‘sticking’ of bad bacteria.

5. Processed Foods

Processed Foods
Image source: freepik.com
Highly processed junk food made with additives and preservatives—such as white bread, chips, french fries, soda, and candy—makes your blood-sugar levels spike. This causes your hormones to stimulate excessive oil production, clogging pores and aging the skin.

Dr. Anjum Aijaz

Dermatologist (Skin Specialist)
MBBS (DOW), D.Derm (UK), D.Derm (PIMS), OJT UK London (Gold Medalist)
Member of British Association of Dermatologists
Specialist in Skin, Nail & Hair Diseases