Counseling Services

The Importance of Counseling Services in Pakistani Schools

Mental health is one of the biggest challenges that the Pakistani youth is dealing with. Even the emotional well-being of the kids studying in schools is also affected for multiple reasons, such as academic stress, dysfunctional families, peer pressure, and many others. This problem manifests itself in various forms and manners, including anxiety, depression, personality disorders, eating disorders, and many Continue reading »
mispronounced names

The Psychological Impact of Unusual or Mispronounced Names on a Child’s Mental Health

It is urgent to comprehend that names are something beyond words; they are essential for what our identity is. Names for children are fundamental in characterising who these children are and how people around them see them. When the child has an unusual or frequently mispronounced name, they are likely to suffer from psychological problems that have implications for their Continue reading »
Child's Mental Health

Children’s Mental Health in Pakistan: When to Seek Professional Help

Children’s mental health is the most overlooked aspect of overall health, especially in countries like Pakistan where awareness of mental health is in its initial stages. In a society, where good physical health is considered a top priority mental and emotional health could be overshadowed.    With increasing recognition of mental health in Pakistan, we should also begin to address children’s

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Schizophrenia: Myths and Realities in the Pakistani Context

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that involves a variety of complex symptoms that are tough to manage. It seriously damages the patient’s ability to live a normal life and participate in daily activities like regular people. The feelings, behaviours, and thinking processes are all affected by this mental disorder.  Owing to being a complex psychological disorder, people associate a variety

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Symptoms and How to deal with it

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, commonly known as OCD, is categorized as a mental disorder. This condition disrupts a person’s regular thought process and leads to him performing repetitive actions. It showcases two kinds of behaviors; obsessions and compulsion.  In this article, we shall talk about the elements of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, its symptoms, causes, and treatment options. What Is Obsessive Compulsive

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