Struggling to get up in the morning, low motivation & productivity at office, loss of interest in day-to-day activities, being easily irritated – if this sounds like you, then you are not alone. 3 out of 5 workers in present day work environment experience mild – moderate – high levels of stress and burnout. Good news is that the tide can be turned.
Get your energy, enthusiasm and productivity back and thrive in your life
Assess your situation, fill the SehatYab questionnaire to evaluate your stress and burnout levels for free.
Work Related Stress – A Self-Assessment questionnaire for free
Take action as identified in the questionnaire! If obvious symptoms are ignored the stress and burnout may lead to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety etc. If allowed to continue the condition may worsen and results in chronic life style diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.
For further assistance, please leave your contacts here or call our customer services during business hours at 0300-1003171 or 0300-1003172
Mental Health Friendly Organization Program
Every human being is influenced by his or her Physical, Psychological, and Social needs and the same elements are applicable in a workplace. Every organization therefore should aim to balance these elements with similar priority to ensure workers psycho-social needs are met. However, in most organizations in the world, and especially in Pakistan these elements are not balanced and the psycho-social elements are grossly neglected.
The above situation results in lower productivity, create unnecessary conflicts, de-motivation among employees resulting in absenteeism, job abandonment, and employee turnover. In US the research suggests that for Small & Medium Enterprises the money invested in lowering the stress & burnout is returned 3 folds in better productivity and engagement.
If you are a decision maker of your organization, or an employee wishing to learn how your organization rank on the key elements, then conduct for free the following questionnaire (short form) to assess your organizations’ work practices relevant for a mental health friendly environment.
Mental Health Friendly Organization – Self-Assessment questionnaire for free
SehatYab has tailored a program specifically to address the Psycho-Social elements through eleven aspects such as empowerment, engagement, civility & respect etc. to help improve the work force and the environment. SehatYab “Mental Health Friendly Organization Program” will provide sufficient data to prioritize on the Psycho-Social elements thus addressing the problem areas in organization culture and work practices.
The complete program has three steps:
1. Gap Analysis report:
Gap analysis report will be prepared for the organization based upon feedback (Employees and leadership) compiled through our detailed questionnaire on Organizations work practices relevant for a “Mental Health Friendly Organization”.
2. Awareness sessions & Policy review:
Based upon the areas identified in the Gap Analysis report, SehatYab will assist the organization to create a Mental Health friendly work culture by conducting trainings for employees (on stress/burnout management, effective communication, decision making etc.) and reviewing policies to reduce work stressors prevalent in the organization.
3. Access to counseling:
SehatYab also provide custom packages for online mental health consultations (confidential and non-judgmental) with top behavioral specialists (psychiatrists and psychologists). Beside management of stress, burnout, mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, etc. mental wellbeing is a major part of this segment which improves assertiveness, decision making, anger management, conflict resolution, empowerment etc.
For further assistance, please leave your contacts here or call our customer services during business hours at 0300-1003171 or 0300-1003172